Maecenas luctus lectus

In posuere eleifend odio. Quisque semper augue mattis maecenas ligula.

Etiam rhoncus volutpat

Etiam posuere augue

Donec leo. Vivamus nibh in augue. Praesent a lacus at urna congue rutrum.

Praesent mattis condimentum

Fusce ultrices fringilla

Pellentesque pede. Donec pulvinar metus. In eu lectus pulvinar mollis.

Praesent scelerisque

Nulla luctus eleifend

In posuere eleifend odio. Quisque semper augue sed maecenas ligula.

Fusce ultrices fringilla

Contao demo website

A content management system is usually divided into two areas: the back end (administration area) and the front end (website). If you are reading this, you are currently viewing the front end. To log in to the back end, simply add /contao to your URL (

When I was creating the example website to give people an idea of what can be done with a content management system, I tried to find a "real world" scenario that involved more than one person. There are a lot of different scenarios that can be done with Contao: from a simple website managed by a single administrator to a community website with a lot of members (front end users) or a company website (intranet or internet) with a lot of back end users. Finally, I came up with a college website that has different back end users and front end users.

The Music Academy example includes three back end users (employees) and two front end users (students). Each user has a different role. You can log in to their accounts and see how Contao looks from their perspective. Please note that academy employees (back end user) can only log in to the back end and students (front end user) can only log in to the front end. You are currently viewing the front end.

User accounts

1. Kevin Jones
Username: k.jones
Password: kevinjones
Role: back end user and administrator
2. Helen Lewis
Username: h.lewis
Password: helenlewis
Role: back end user
3. Jamie Wilson

Username: j.wilson
Password: jamiewilson
Role: back end user

4. John Smith
Username: j.smith
Password: johnsmith
Role: front end user
5. Donna Evans
Username: d.evans
Password: donnaevans
Role: front end user

Roles and permissions

On the next page (The academy) we will take a closer look at the different roles and we will find out what our users are allowed to do and what they cannot do. You can then take a closer look at how these access restrictions have been implemented in the back end.

Make sure to visit for more information.